
Showing posts from May, 2017

Pay Revision - a nightmare call for the rest

Since the institution of Democracy in 2008 in Bhutan, we have had many chances to witness lots of interesting changes. While some were for the good and betterment of our country and countrymen, some were, as we can't expect everything to be so perfect, pretty unsatisfactory. Things come and pass, but some seem to have unending ripples in people's life. And the daily basic happenings are the foremost thing that people consider, like inflation, salary and generally the common and most important things that affect us. Salary, as bluntly as I can say, is the first thing for most of us and is an undeniable fact.  The recent pay hike of 40% for all the local government leaders, excepting Thrompons proposed by the government is something to think about. Now another blunt statement from a commoner like me is, this is a 'HUGE'  proportion. It's almost half of their monthly share.  Because I say this on many grounds. I ain't any economist or budget professional, ...

When I am that Lone Wolf

Sometimes, I feel every single moment when some situation slowly transforms me into the loner in the thick abundance of acquaintances. More than the family, the workplace is the most suitable place that turns me into a Lone Wolf. The feeling becomes so intense that so suddenly I feel that energy of Alpha male...hahaha.  How funny is that? Now the situations vary- from duties to responsibilities, opinions to suggestions, and lot more. The very source that really turns somebody to a lone wolf is unending. But whatever is the case, most tend to forget that it's not just for a personal gain. The capacity to digest less of what is being talked and discussed is the core concern.  And a lot of aftershocks follow the deep concern that really keeps disturbing us and that we are trying to uncover. hatred, side looks, making it personal and worse than these at times.  But I have this feeling that unless I am standing for my personal cause, I don't really care ...