WHY? Why on the earth she had to be set on fire? What kind of crime and sin deserves such a treatment? What could have provoked the man, the Ex, to set her on fire? These are some of the questions that triggers in people's mind when they heard the sad news of the 'Woman who was set on fire' by his ex-husband. The bitter pain is in imagining the excruciating pain from the burn. It's heart wrecking. Whoever has been on the scene must have felt the cold stab in their heart to see a woman running in flames. The most horrible of the scenes a mankind would ever watch! What kind of monsters is he? The man who was nobody for her, for it was already a month since they separated had to be his Death. The strength of the issue might have been so serious that it triggered the man to burn his ex alive. Or was it not the issue and his uncontrolled mind that went haywire? Or did he intend to by any means burn her alive because the coronation park doesn't have kerosene ...