Thursday, March 31, 2016

Heaven's Fool

The eye of heaven, somber and wide awake
A thing of wonder to the little parish boys
Hark hither! O the great lamp of the world
The silent globe of darkness, whilst thou speck
I stand hither since the misty dusk broke in
Feeling delighted as thou rise from behind the hills.
I rise this hand, if thou should fail to locate me
Or do I not stand visible to thy great eye?
Now have thou traveled this far distance
What have you gathered from the place afar?
Or did thou all thy time spent in spree?
Watching the lovers roll on the petals of love.
Now say you, of the things I urge to hear.
Did thou chance to hear my darling shout?
Did my darling not send a piece of message?
For thousands miles while we are parted far
Thou must have beheld a tiny Lass amidst green vales
Speaking of the things I needed to hear today.
O fool! What in the world is this empty face of yours?
Again I ask thee, have thou got any message for this soul?
So much a pride has fallen, thy face a fool's rice bowl
And now all you have got is a blank look on my face,
What in the Hell's name is this conjuring trick?
On the lap of heaven thou sit, but fail thy sacred duty
Not so tough to deliver the message of the parted
And yet, thou fail me and how many others like me?
Or did thou check some mad men on the other side?
Lighten them break the shield of the glass dome.
For she said thou never did cross the path she waited.
Go, hide behind the thick sheets of white foam
And hurry down the meandering roads behinds red hills
Conceal thy insolence with white cotton and away you go
For thou art not one I can trust, thou do nothing good.
Now when the heaven with all respect condemn thee
How gay will I be, to not to see you cross my way.
I shall not send any notes of love to my darling love
Not in thy hands, smeared with guilt of disgusting fate.
Thy brother shall wait for my call at the dawn
Who will but all with gay pass his chariot from my way
To her, he shall prove better loyal than a fool.
Now I see him come, would you serve a justice,
And disappear, wherever it may be, but far away?

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