Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Last Snow Fall

The last snow fall, I don’t remember when it was
Might be around last December, when we rejoiced
I see rain and cold still lingers, but no snow fall
The ground is wet, yet it’s just the hard rock and soil

The last snow fall, I don’t remember when it was
For now, the season has come and the sky still clear
I look up every moment, there isn’t sign of one
Peeping out of the window every morning is a disgrace

The last snow fall, I don’t remember when it was
Buds from the trees are sprouting, and seeds germinating
Chirps of the birds have reigned the sky, and the crickets too
But even a crystal of snow didn’t touch my feet

If not today, frail drops shall shower on me tomorrow
And I shall find the joy I lost for a moment time
But how in this warming soil will it see a landing place
No, I am living in the phantom of dreams

If not tomorrow, whence will I get the snowfall?
The thing so dear to me and one I dreamt so long
I long to muddle with the soft end of your touch
And shall my cheeks be painted red in white

And my boots still enclosed inside my wardrobe
The fluffy coat no longer serves any purpose now
Putting on my cozy hat, I stand by the window pane
Thinking you might come with full of surprises.

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