When I am that Lone Wolf

Sometimes, I feel every single moment when some situation slowly transforms me into the loner in the thick abundance of acquaintances. More than the family, the workplace is the most suitable place that turns me into a Lone Wolf. The feeling becomes so intense that so suddenly I feel that energy of Alpha male...hahaha. 

How funny is that?

Now the situations vary- from duties to responsibilities, opinions to suggestions, and lot more. The very source that really turns somebody to a lone wolf is unending. But whatever is the case, most tend to forget that it's not just for a personal gain. The capacity to digest less of what is being talked and discussed is the core concern.  And a lot of aftershocks follow the deep concern that really keeps disturbing us and that we are trying to uncover. hatred, side looks, making it personal and worse than these at times. 

But I have this feeling that unless I am standing for my personal cause, I don't really care and doesn't really bother me much. Because what I talk and believe is the benefits of mass and if this makes me any black sheep, doesn't bother me anyway. More often people say that your boss is always right. Well, I say 'F*** that shit. Who the filthy hell said that? And who else believes this? I am obviously not a believer of these kinds of Bull**** and I believe you should not be as well. Because whoever or whatever it is, you always stand for the right - as simple as that. 

But anyhow, I am just pouring my frustration and anger here, because I can't really shout at people or else people gonna call me 'a Mad Dog.' So, better safe than sorry. 

Anyways, I am trying to reconnect myself to my past habit of writing. Was lost for long time in between.



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